Payment settlement times depend on the payment processor you choose while configuring payment methods. The way payments are settled depends on your MONEI plan:
- MONEI X. Payments are settled into the IBAN associated with your MONEI account.
- MONEI PLUS. Your acquiring bank will settle payments into your IBAN.
On average, settlement times range from 1 to 7 days from the date of the transaction (but can go up to 30 days based on your risk score).
Settlement times also depend on the following factors:
- The risk level of your business
- Sales volume
- How long you’ve been a MONEI payment gateway user
Once you’re a verified and trusted merchant, you’ll be eligible for 1-day payment settlements.
View your payout history
To view payouts in your dashboard, go to Settings > Payouts.
Note: You can expect the bank transfer for each payout to take place after the Completion date.