Pay By Link is a feature that lets you send a unique link to your customers so they can pay online in one click! You’ll avoid spending time creating manual invoices by creating secure payment links that are hosted by us. No coding required.
What’s so special about payment links?
The best part is, you don’t even need a website to configure Pay By Link. All you need is a social media account. Then you can create manual orders and accept payments via a link.
You’ll be able to accept all the payment methods that are configured in your MONEI account.
What types of businesses use Pay By Link?
Pay By Link is useful for all types of commerce and especially helpful for processing wholesale orders and payments for service-based businesses such as lawyers, gyms, and restaurants.
If you’re wholesaling, include a payment link on purchase orders to make it quick and easy for your clients to pay.
How can I get started with Pay By Link?
Go to your dashboard:
Click on Payments
Click on Pay By Link
Fill in the payment details, including your desired expiration date, and click on Create payment for €X.XX
Note: You can customize the appearance of your Pay By Link page in your branding settings here.
On the next screen, review the details and then click on Send payment link
Once you’ve sent the payment link, the order status changes to Payment pending
Find all your pending payments via the Payments tab and click on All — here is a shortcut.
Your customer will receive an email notification
Note: For the purpose of this tutorial we’ve used our branding, but if you configure branding settings in your account the customer will see your logo and branding.