The following business categories and business practices are restricted from using MONEI if you're on the MONEI X plan. If you're using the MONEI PLUS plan (your own processor or acquirer), these restrictions do not apply.
Hostess clubs and establishments where naked or topless dances and similar shows are regularly performed |
Erotic audiovisual content whose vulnerability to human rights is doubted. | |
Pornography and erotic phones | |
- Human trafficking - Replicas of famous persons or cartoons (without copyrights) - Adult content that depicts religion - User-generated adult content - Prostitution, escort services, sex solicitation - Sex Dolls - Mail-order brides and international match-making services - Items that are considered obscene" |
Animals & wildlife
Living animals (Including insects, animal parts, blood or fluids) |
Plants in danger of extinction or whose trade is regulated by law, noxious weeds, prohibited seeds | |
Firearms and replicas (modifiable or not) |
Bladed weapons and replicas whose blade exceeds 11 cm | |
Perfected Slingshots. They are considered perfected slingshots if they have at least one of the following conditions: anatomical handle, support band to increase the forcefulness of the shot, or tubular rubber. | |
Illegal drugs and cannabis
Cannabis (seeds, flowers, resins), mushrooms, hallucinogenic substances, etc. |
Cannabis derivatives other than cosmetic products (more information about CBD product requirements here) | |
Cultural items and artifacts that are protected | - Material covered by the UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, or otherwise restricted by law from sale, export, or transfer - Cave formations (speleothems, stalactites, and stalagmites) protected by law - Burial-related items protected by law |
Second hand/Pre-owned | Purchase/sale of second-hand items in stores that cannot demonstrate by means of a purchase invoice that they legally acquired the products |
Debtor collections* (Subject to special conditions*) |
Express credits | |
Cryptos* | Subject to special conditions* |
Money related services
Cash provisions |
Services for sending money abroad | |
Government Related | - Government support services (e.g. applying for IDs and/or licenses and other no-value-added services - Official documents or uniforms - Fake currency notes which might be mistaken for genuine currency - Involvement in the sale of activities that are identified by government agencies as being potentially fraudulent - Governmental Application Support Services |
Lotteries and games of chance in businesses not associated with ONLAE or any official body |
Virtual casinos, betting, and sports predictions | |
Drugs and medicines | Prescription medications |
Marketplaces* | Subject to special conditions* |
Pyramidal structure | Companies with a pyramid structure (including Herbalife) |
Intellectual property | Counterfeits and articles that violate intellectual property |
Auctions | Auctions |
Tobacco, shishas, e-cigarette liquids |
Articles for smokers (pipes, rolling papers, electronic cigarettes, hookahs, etc.) | |
Tickets | Tickets for shows in which the business is not the promoter or organizer (resale) |
Low prices | Online stores with products for sale at a price well below the market standard |
Timeshare | Timeshare |
Crowdfunding |
Unlocking manufacturer's anti-piracy measures (video game consoles) |
Unlocking the manufacturer's security measures for loss or theft on mobile phones and tablets | |
Streaming service accounts (Netflix, HBO, Spotify, etc.) of dubious origin (price well below market) | |
Tarot, clairvoyance, esotericism | |
Services of recommendations, advice, or any type of training for virtual casino games, bets, and sports forecasts | |
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) |